August 15, 2012

Flamingo hows, wheres and whys: pink; errectile tissue; one leg

Flamingo hows, wheres and whys: pink; errectile tissue; one leg

Flamingos are a pretty underrated bird. But the more you dig, the more you discover how strange they are, from their limbs to their pigment to the erectile tissue in their mouths.

One of the most recognisable traits of this leggy bird is how it seems to prefer to stand on one leg– even when asleep – with what appears to its knee bent backwards. This actually its ankle and heel; the flamingo’s knee is located much further up the limb, hidden underneath its feathers. The whole area from the ankle to the toes is actually a giant foot. The joint that looks like an ankle, right down the bottom, is actually the beginnings of the toes. So effectively half the flamingo’s legs are actually its feet, and the normal stance for a flamingo is on its tiptoes. This arrangement makes more sense when you see a flamingo chick, whose legs and feet are still developing.