July 4, 2012

NERSC Signs Up for Multi-Petaflop "Cascade" Supercomputer

NERSC Signs Up for Multi-Petaflop "Cascade" Supercomputer

July 03, 2012
The US Department of Energy's National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) has ordered a two-petaflop "Cascade" supercomputer, Cray's next-generation HPC platform. The DOE is shelling out $40 million dollars for the system, including about 6.5 petabytes of the company's Sonexion storage. The contract covers both hardware and services, which will extend over multiple years. Installation is scheduled for sometime in 2013.

The NERSC acquisition represents Cray's third publicly announced pre-sale of a Cascade system and the first in the US. The other two deals in the pipeline include a multi-petaflop machine destined for HLRS, at the University of Stuttgart, and a 400-teraflop one for Kyoto University.

Cascade is a big step for Cray. Not only does it represent the company's first foray in Intel-based supercomputing, but it also fills out Cray's Adaptive Supercomputing vision to a much greater degree than the previous XT and XE product lines. DARPA, which poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the design via the agency's High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) program, helped to make Cascade a much bigger deal than just a platform refresh.

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