May 4, 2013

Innovation award for textile to prevent bedsores

 The dot matrix structure of this innovative textile.

Award-winning sheet

Bedsores, or pressure sores, are a serious problem in health care. During long periods of immobility, blood circulation in the skindecreases due to moisture as well as pressure and shear forces. The accumulation of toxic substances and the lack of oxygen cause damage to the skin, resulting in sores that are difficult to treat and, in the worst case, can even be life-threatening. Although there are known methods forpreventing bedsores, these are either very expensive or not (yet) effective enough.

A joint project by Empa, their industrial partner Schoeller Medical and the Swiss Paraplegic Centre focused on a method of bedsore prevention that was impressive in its simplicity: a sheet with a particularly skin-friendly surface. The special "dot matrix structure" of the fabric reduces pressure and friction and conducts the moisture away from the skin. Following laboratory tests and clinical trials, the clever sheet is currently undergoing final testing before its market launch, which is due to take place this year. It is now gaining international recognition.