June 11, 2013

Beauty and the Brain: Electrical Stimulation of the Brain Makes You Perceive Faces as More Attractive

Findings may lead to promising ways to treat and study neuropsychiatric disorders

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and—as researchers have now shown—in the brain as well.

(June 11, 2013)  The researchers, led by scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), have used a well-known, noninvasive technique to electrically stimulate a specific region deep inside the brain previously thought to be inaccessible. The stimulation, the scientists say, caused volunteers to judge faces as more attractive than before their brains were stimulated.

Being able to effect such behavioral changes means that this electrical stimulation tool could be used to noninvasively manipulate deep regions of the brain—and, therefore, that it could serve as a new approach to study and treat a variety of deep-brain neuropsychiatric disorders, such as Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia, the researchers say.

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