August 1, 2013

Bosch opens new plant in China

Bosch opened a new plant in Chengdu, western China. In the future, the plant will manufacture safety systems such as the ABS antilock braking system and the ESP(R) electronic stability program for local customers. The new site covers a total of some 127,000 square meters. Bosch, a supplier of technology and services, will be investing roughly 100 million euros in the location in the years ahead. Of this amount, 35 million euros have already been spent on the first construction phase.

The new manufacturing facility will strengthen the company’s local presence. “Chinese drivers are placing increasing importance on road safety. Like in other regions, this is causing increased demand for safety systems,” said Dr. Dirk Hoheisel, who sits on the Bosch board of management, at the official opening ceremony. “Our new Chengdu plant underlines our great confidence in the world’s largest automotive market. And by manufacturing locally, we can react better and faster to the requirements of our western Chinese customers.”