March 16, 2013

Morflora Discovers ‘Universal Key’ To Unlock Plants And Protect Against Diseases

Modifying plants’ genes to yield larger fruits and vegetables or tweaking certain genes to make them more resistant is a controversial issue. While some say it tampers with nature and is potentially harmful, others say it’s the only way to feed the world’s growing population. The Israeli company Morflora claims its solution is a hybrid one, as its novel method “vaccinates” plants and seeds against a wide variety of diseases and introduces new traits, but without leading to genetic modifications or passing on the new traits to future generations.

“This patent-pending method, called TraitUP, can be implemented as part of universal commercial seed treatment procedures,” Dotan Poleg, CEO of Morflora tells NoCamels: ”This pioneering technology enables seed companies and breeders for the first time to quickly provide protection against threats to crops, and at a later stage, introduce improved traits into seeds.”