June 19, 2012

On the origin of music by means of natural selection

On the origin of music by means of natural selection

(or the preservation of favoured ditties in the struggle for life) - Imperial scientists may be on the way to creating the perfect pop tune, thanks to a computer program powered by Darwinian natural selection –

Do away with the DJ and scrap the composer. A computer program powered by Darwinian natural selection and the musical tastes of 7,000 website users may be on the way to creating a perfect pop tune, according to new research published today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Scientists from Imperial College London have devised a way of producing music from noises without a composer. They programmed  a computer to produce loops of random sounds and analyse the opinions of musical consumers, who decided which ones they liked.  The result is music filled with many of the sophisticated chords and rhythms familiar from modern songs.

The results could also help explain why popular musical trends continuously evolve and why traditional musical forms can persist for thousands of years.

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