January 12, 2013

Lack of Guidelines Create Ethical Dilemmas in Social Network-Based Research

Academic Community Far Behind the Trend

With millions of adolescent users, social network sites (SNSs) are a rich data source for academic research studies. But ethical guidelines governing how researchers should obtain and use this data is seriously lacking, says Tufts University's R. Benjamin Shapiro, Ph.D., the incoming McDonnell Family Foundation Professor in Engineering Education at Tufts University's School of Engineering, in an article published in the January 11 edition of Science.

 The use of social network sites for design research is accelerating but the academic research community and institutional review boards (IRBs) are way behind the trend when it comes to establishing adequate guidelines and best practices," says Shapiro. A faculty member of Tufts' Center for Engineering Education and Outreach, Shapiro designs collaborative online learning environments for teenagers on social networking sites (SNSs).