June 2, 2015

Small and discreet data glasses for everyday use

(June 2, 2015)  Data glasses tend to be chunky, unstylish objects, so it’s no wonder they haven’t caught on among general consumers. Fraunhofer researchers have now developed a technology that allows the “specs” to be made in small, unobtrusive designs. The new glasses also correct for farsightedness.

Picturesque streets and winding lanes of one village enthrall tourists. They would love to have a little historical background on the buildings they are watching at. But unless they get out a guidebook and read up on them there, they remain in the dark. In future, tourists will be able to see all important information instantly as it flashes up on their data glasses. As they admire a building, they will also see useful facts displayed alongside it – similar to the speech bubbles used in comic books. And if they were trying to find their way around in unfamiliar surroundings, these glasses will be able to display navigation data taken from their smartphone directly in their field of view. This is known as “see-through data glasses.”

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