June 9, 2015

Small molecules change biological clock rhythm

Where chemistry meets biology: catalytic synthesis of the first period-shortening molecule targeting CRY clock protein

(June 9, 2015)  Our biological clock regulates various daily rhythms, such as sleep/wake rhythm, body temperature, and metabolism. Disruption of the circadian rhythm may lead to sleep disorders, cancer and other diseases. Profs. Kenichiro Itami, Takashi Yoshimura, Stephan Irle and colleagues at ITbM have come together to discover for the first time, a rhythm-changing molecule with period-shortening activities that targets the clock protein, CRY, which open doors to molecule-based solutions for circadian-related diseases and improving food production in animals.


 A team of chemists and biologists at the Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM), Nagoya University have succeeded in finding new molecules that change the circadian rhythm in mammals by applying synthetic chemistry methods, which makes use of highly selective metal catalysts.

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