July 10, 2015

Bacteria use DNA replication to time key decision

Rice study: Bacterial decision circuit makes use of circular chromosome

(July 10, 2015)  In spore-forming bacteria, chromosomal locations of genes can couple the DNA replication cycle to critical, once-in-a-lifetime decisions about whether to reproduce or form spores. The new finding by Rice University bioengineers and colleagues at the University of California at San Diego and the University of Houston appears this week in the journal Cell.

Like most microorganisms, Bacillus subtilis bacteria are single-celled creatures with one goal: to reproduce by making copies of themselves. But survival isn’t always that simple. For example, when food gets scarce, B. subtilis must decide between two possible paths: shut down, form a dormant spore — a process called “sporulation” — and wait for better times or split into two cells and gamble that there is enough food for at least one more generation.

“The decision about whether to form a spore and when is a very important one for B. subtilis,” said Oleg Igoshin, associate professor of bioengineering at Rice and one of the lead researchers on the new study. “If the organism waits too long, it can starve before it finishes transforming into a spore. If it acts too early and forms a spore too soon, it can be overwhelmed and out-reproduced by competitors.”

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